
React-Calendar-DateTime-Picker is very customizable; one can change any label or style that they need. Here is a list of props that can be used to customize the calendar:

placeholderstring"select"To change input date picker placeholder
inputClassstringTo change calendar's input style
clearBtnClassstringTo change calendar's clear button style
calenderModalClassstringTo change calendar's main modal style
headerClassstringTo change calendar's green header style
timeClassstringTo change calendar's time view style
daysClassstringTo change calendar's days view style
monthsClassstringTo change calendar's months view style
yearsClassstringTo change calendar's years view style
NextBtnIconsvg as component">"To change next month button icon.
PreviousBtnIconsvg as component"<"To change previous month button icon.
nextMonthBtnTitlestring"next"To change next month button title(shows by hover).
previousMonthBtnTitlestring"previous"To change previous month button title(shows by hover).
fromLabelstring"from"Starting date label in input result(works only in range type).
toLabelstring"to"Ending date label in input result(works only in range type).
clockFromLabelstring"from"Title for starting time in the time component(works only in range type).
clockToLabelstring"to"Title for ending time in the time component(works only in range type).
clockLabelstring"clock"Label for time in the time component(works in single and range type).